Sunday, January 20, 2019

The Final Purim

The Parable:
Roya saw that there were two groups of people, and she was in one of them.  It was a time of war, but not a traditional war; it was a religious war, and it was a time of great culmination for the church of Jesus Christ.  It was a time of evangelism explosion!  One group was what Roya perceived to be perhaps Islamic or some sort of radical religion. The other group represented Christians. The Christians had the sense that they needed to act fast to try to convert the other group.  Roya and her Christian friends had the confidence that God was going to work.  Some people were very afraid to expose themselves as Christians or were pretending to be Christians but were not.  For some reason, Roya was able to perceive who were the imposters.  The Christians knew from God’s Word that those who were not wholeheartedly sold out to Him would completely succumb to the sinful tendencies of their hearts.  “And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God with whom you were sealed for the day of Redemption” (Ephesians 4:30).  Roya’s mother was with her, and she was extremely afraid of sharing the gospel because it was dangerous.  The Christians knew that those who were not for them were also murderous.  Roya told her mom, “Remember God’s Word, and fear the Lord!  You have to confess that fear to God and get rid of it or else it will completely consume you.”

There were people who were converted to Christ, and Roya knew what was going to happen to them.  She thought back on a time when she was holding one of these elect ones named Abel as a baby because she was related to him by adoption, and while she was holding him, he was attacked by a dagger on the upper shoulder but survived.  The memory moved her deeply, as a mother would feel if she saw her baby being attacked.  But Roya had a peace knowing that what was happening was completely all planned out by God.  She knew that now that he was a grown man, it was his destiny to be murdered by the sword.  The day of war had come, when the evil forces were going to charge the people of God in Esther style—the way Haman in the book of Esther in the Bible had ordained a day to completely annihilate the Jews.  Yet, God was greater than the plan of the wicked then, and Roya and her fellow Christians knew that He was going to do the same thing again: turn the tables on the wicked.  Roya went to Abel and encouraged him, reminding him that his martyrdom was God's plan and to be courageous.

The time came that all the Christians were all anticipating--a time when they knew that God's enemies were going to be let loose on the Christians. There were some people that came in with swords and daggers and ran through two people at once, one of whom was Abel.  Roya had to witness it.  She had a broken weapon in her hand and began doing hand-to-hand combat with one of them.  (She had grabbed the weapon off the enemy.)  The person she was fighting with was so incredibly murderous that even after she had stabbed him multiple times, he was still coming at her.  He seemed to have a supernatural vengeance that kept him alive.  But she cared more for his soul than her own safety, because even as she was fighting him in self defense, she was witnessing to the man and pleading with him to come to Christ before he died.

Later that day, she began witnessing to a boy.  He embraced the gospel wholeheartedly.  She told him that he had to take on a certain Jewish name that was given to him but that he could also keep his other name.  There were significant meanings to both names.

In all the events of the fateful day, Roya was completely at peace and had the sense that it was just all a script that was being played out and that she had nothing to fear.  Even though she knew that the enemies of God were dangerous and were going to kill some people, she also knew that God was going to turn the tables and be victorious.

The Discussion:
Apocalypse is a misunderstood word.  It does not mean “the end of the world” by definition.  It means, “An uncovering.”  Romans 8:19: “For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God.  In Esther’s day, it felt like the end of the world for her people the Jews.  But it was the true definition of the Apocalypse—the revealing of God’s power in His people, the overturning of evil’s best day.  God’s people are even now waiting for the revealing of Jesus’ best-laid plans for His church—ultimately, the revealing of Jesus Christ Himself in the clouds with power and great glory!  But it’s an unwrapping of a present that we seek.  It starts with the glory Jesus will send to His people in the undoing of evil’s best-laid plans, when the glory of Jesus Christ is manifest on His Kingdom warriors to bring in the harvest of souls saved up for the end of the age.  Oh what a day!  Those warriors know who they are.  They are chomping at the bit, longing for the command and authority and endowment of their King, their Captain, their Savior, their glory, their hope, their never-ending reward.  They have been preparing for the day of apocalypse.  They have been in God’s training camp, for He will not allow any of His people to straddle the fence.  The Day of the Lord is a day of revealing sides.  No one will be allowed left in the lukewarm camp.  There is no middle ground.  People will instantly scurry to where they find it most comfortable.  If they have already been dancing with the world, they will look to the world’s savior—the antichrist and the powers of darkness—to escape the great destruction that looms over them as war and chaos ensue.  If they have wholeheartedly turned their back on sin and the world and have embraced Jesus Christ as both their savior and Lord, longing for nothing more than His appearing, then they will run to Him on His great and glorious Day.  They will seek Him and find in Him all their purpose and strength.  They will perform all that He commands of them—they will act in His play, doing what He has written in His script before the foundation of the world.  If that means giving their bodies to be martyred, then so be it.  If that means fighting for truth, then so be it.  If that means evangelizing the great harvest ready to be reaped, then so be it!  And with joy will all God’s army go forth on this great day of His battle!  When Satan thinks that he has reached the culmination of all his well-laid plans to conquer and overcome the earth, to snuff out all the remnant of Jesus, to destroy the light, to convert and control the heathen, and to make the earth the abode of his unhindered reign, then will the great tables of God’s providence overturn his schemes!  Then, will the light rise up in the power of Jesus Christ that He purchased for His church, His bride, when He shed his blood and conquered the grave!  Oh, victory in Jesus, my Savior forever!  Jesus shall reign where’er the sun!
No guilt in life, no fear in death—
This is the pow’r of Christ in me;
From life’s first cry to final breath,
Jesus commands my destiny.
No pow’r of hell, no scheme of man,
Can ever pluck me from His hand;
Till He returns or calls me home—
Here in the pow’r of Christ I’ll stand”
 (Keith Getty and Stuart Townend: “In Christ Alone”).
Those who come to faith in Christ in the final harvest will be transformed by a new birth—and thereby given a new name; yet, they will keep their old name, for the man God created them to be will remain—being sanctified in Christ Jesus.
Church of God, be awake and alert, “your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for whom he may devour.  Resist him, standing firm in the faith” (1 Peter 5:8-9).  Do not use the enemy’s weapons to try to fight him.  It’s easy to use the fleshly responses, verbal argumentation, and frustration to lunge at our enemy, but his weapons are broken and useless to us.  Only the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God can overcome our enemy.  Otherwise, he will just keep coming at us.  When we resist him, we must resist with the armor our Captain, Jesus Christ, has given us.  Then, he will flee.  God is good, though.  Even when we fail by taking up the wrong arms, God still works by His Spirit in us, giving us a heart of love for our enemy.  God will overcome our frailty and our failings.  He is faithful when we are faithless, for He cannot deny himself (2 Timothy 2:13).
Church of God, let us continue to ground ourselves in the Word and truth and presence of Christ Jesus so that we are ready for all He commands of us in every and any circumstance.  When the final Purim comes, let us be useful vessels for the Master to plunder our enemy.


  1. The title of this 'write-up' is the final Purim. God's Healer 7 prophesied back in 2012 that 2019 would be the final Purim - did Barb's word have anything to do with the title of this?

    1. No, brother. I was not familiar with that word.
